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Create the New

I love when I start noticing themes with my channeling. One theme I’ve noticed coming through quite a bit is the calling to “Create the New”.

I have many clients that are in some type of medical profession; medical doctors, nurse practitioners, administrators, surgeons, and more.

Lately, I have had a lot of clients within the medical field asking for guidance regarding their careers. Some people feel called to leave the office or hospital they are working in but don’t know why. Some people have been feeling like they aren’t able to truly help their patients in the way they know would benefit them because of how corporate bureaucracy mandates require them to make specific choices that benefit the corporation rather than truly help support the patients.

A common theme that has been coming through from my guides is that these specific people are being called to Create the New.

My guides have shown me time and time again that the old systems are breaking down to pave way for the new systems. From medicine to education, the systems we are used to are dismantling.

We have seen this with our very eyes over the last few years when parents were suddenly forced to homeschool their kids at home during the pandemic, or at least monitor their online school activities while trying to hold down mainstream jobs themselves. We have also seen the medical system’s gaps and flaws.

While I have witnessed this myself over the last few years, it didn’t occur to me what was happening until I began receiving more and more clients within the medical and educational professions asking for guidance about their careers and the feelings they were having about them.

One of my medical doctor clients even shared that she was so disconcerted by what she was seeing in her field that she was finding it difficult to practice medicine. She assumed that everyone in her clinic was feeling the same way, and when she started talking to others about what she was seeing and feeling, she was completely surprised that many others were completely oblivious to what she was seeing.

When I asked my guides about that they said it was because she was specifically being called to Create the New.

People in the medical field are being called to create a new system that holds the patient at the center of the practice rather than putting corporate greed and power in front of what is best for the patients. A system that calls on ancient proven land and plant-based techniques that support the natural systems of our bodies.

The struggle I see my clients going through when they come to me seeking guidance is between their soul’s calling and their intellectual, or egoic, brain. From an intellectual perspective when a client is feeling disempowered by the system they are working within, or when they are feeling restless in their career, it can be confusing.

This is because they have been taught (as have the majority of us) by societal indoctrination what they should be doing with their lives and careers; go to college, earn a medical degree, indoctrinate into the controlled medical system, and follow the direction and mandates given by corporate entities. They, and we, are not given another option. We didn’t even know another option existed.

However, restlessness or discontentment comes from their souls' call to wake them up to their calling and life path. When we haven’t been trained to know how to listen to our inner guidance, this can be very confusing. Many people shut down that quiet voice that is trying to guide them to a path that is more fulfilling and joyful because we have been taught to look outside of ourselves (society, news, other people’s paths, etc.) for answers on how to live our own life.

We are at a time in history where corporate greed for money and power has taken over our education, medical, and political systems. We don’t even know it is happening, because it is all that we know.

And so, many people are “waking up” to their soul’s calling that it is time to embark on the journey that they planned for themselves before they were even born. To be part of the beautiful new systems that are intuitively based and operated from love and compassion versus money and power.

So when you are feeling a restlessness that you cannot explain, or when you realize you haven’t felt true joy from your career in ages, it usually means your soul is re-directing you to the pathway you laid out for yourself before you even incarnated! Pretty cool!

My guides have helped clients learn how to discern their inner guidance from unnecessary worry or overthinking, and provide confirmation that the restlessness or discontent they are feeling is on purpose. And the purpose is beautiful.

Are you being called to help Create the New but don’t know where or how to start? Do you feel a transition in your career or maybe you feel you are being called to do something completely different but don’t know what or how?

This is a SUPER exciting place to be, and trust that you knew about this before you were even born.

You are at the beginning of something beautiful.