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Reese the Healer

Recently I was at a friend's house for a girls' night as she had another friend visiting from out of town as well.

Her friend has 3 children (all in high school, and she still has energy!!) and I asked to see their pictures. When she showed me the picture of her daughter Reese, I asked if Reese gives a lot of hugs. She shared that Reese was ALWAYS giving hugs.

I continued to share what I “saw” about Reese, the biggest one of them being that she is misunderstood in this life. Reese, I believe and gleaned from her picture and my guide,s is a healer although she is only 15 and neither she nor her mother had heard of that term before. (I was using this term to refer to being a powerful physical, metaphysical, and spiritual healer).

I shared “Reese is here to heal others and she unknowingly exists partially in another dimension, and feels confused by this one.” Reese giving hugs is her subconscious mind remembering that that is what she is here for.

And in her short and limited 15 years in this life so far the only way she knows how to act on the inexplicable pull she is feeling when she is around those that she can feel internal conflict or pain from is to hug them.

I felt that Reese had been being treated as “different”, and her mom confirmed that there had recently been talk that she may be “on the spectrum”.

While this has become a well-known term, from just the time I have been channeling I have seen that when humans don’t understand someone or feel that someone is “different than normal”, we automatically try to fit them into one of the boxes invented by modern society.

And this is doing everyone a gross disservice.

By trying to simply compartmentalize people into a familiarized social box or diagnosis, we are not only hurting the person in question but also ourselves.

You see, we are all here for our unique purposes and to learn unique life lessons. We create “contracts” before we are born with people and even places, to help us evolve and learn these lessons.

By lumping Reese into a “spectrum” box we are not giving Reese the care and guidance she deserves to learn and to tap into her unique gift to heal others.

So who else is compartmentalizing Reese hurting? All of us. Because we are less likely to experience the full beauty and benefit that Reese embodies to heal others with her gift.

When we compartmentalize people it feels as if we are lowering our vibration as a society because;

- Reese doesn’t get to use her gift to heal others which is one of her purposes in this life

- We don’t get to gain the beauty and healing from her gift

- Others who see us compartmentalizing human beings will in turn bury what makes them unique to be viewed as “normal”.

But normal IS Reese. And Reese is “normal”.

The dictionary defines the noun “normal” as; The usual, average, or typical state or condition.

We just don’t recognize true “normal” because we have distorted ourselves by looking to the media, Hollywood, and most importantly by looking outside of ourselves for what “normal” looks like and then changing ourselves or hiding these beautiful gifts to be accepted as “normal” by society.

I call these gifts “Superpowers”. Everyone has Superpowers, we just aren’t taught or encouraged to tap into them by society. We are taught from the time we are born which rules to live by, how to live, who to be, what will make us happy, etc. And then we become part of the herd.

Unique IS normal.

We should be excited to uncover what makes each person unique because we as a society are the ones that benefit from each person’s Superpower/gift! 

But when we hide what makes us unique, because we want to be accepted for what society has determined as “normal” (which is actually denying what makes you unique, including your Superpowers/gifts) we eventually stop hearing that soft, quiet voice of our inner wisdom/our soul/our higher self which is our inner guide and key to unlocking what makes us unique and powerful.

Reese’s mother was incredibly open and receptive to this perspective and even while we sat together, had already begun working to change her mindset to one of giving Reese the spiritual support she needs to harness her goddess healing energy.

Rock on Reese. I can’t wait to see what you do girl.