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Remembering the "Why" Part 1

When I met Kourtney earlier this year she had been referred by another client and was (originally) seeking guidance around her coaching business.

It was clear from the first few minutes of meeting her that this beautiful woman was working on lessons in this life that included self-worth and stepping into her power as a manifesting being. 

She had been partnering with/supporting another woman in her coaching business, with Kourtney named as the head support coach. The clients she had been working with were primarily sourced through workshops she had delivered in years past in the name of her coaching partner's (who we will call Allison) company.

I could see that Kourtney's energy was uncertain, doubtful even, in her abilities. She was leaning on Allison's business as a way to source clients due to her doubting that she could attract and bring in clients in her name alone. 

She was being paid a monthly stipend by Allison as payment for all that she was doing to support the business (creating marketing content, marketing the business, creating workshops, etc.) and was keeping a portion of her 1x1 coaching proceeds as a commission.

Yet the stipend and the income she retained from her 1x1 clients were lower than what she wanted to make and she was struggling to attract new clients.

The guidance I channeled during the first few sessions with Kourtney was that Kourtney was meant to step out on her own and create her own business.

This terrified Kourtney, though she did share that her best friend as well as her husband had been telling her the same thing for over a year. She saw herself *maybe* stepping out on her own several years down the road, but had not planned to do so soon.

My guides shared that the reason why she was struggling to attract new clients was that she was entangled with Allison's energy in the business and that Allison was the one attracting clients using the energy Kourtney was funneling into Allison's business. WHOA.

Since Kourtney originally asked for help gaining more clients while staying connected to Allison's business, my guides shared steps that she could take to begin using her energy more efficiently for herself vs. funneling it into Allison's success (while keeping the partnership they had).

First Allision needed to reflect Kourtney and her work on her website, and create a presence for Kourtney on the company's website where there was none now. That alone was contributing to blocking Kourtney from receiving.

My guides also shared that Kourtney needed to begin creating her own website and add the personal testimonies from her clients on there to begin creating an online presence. They added other things she could do as well, all geared towards helping her funnel her energy into gaining her own clients.

Over several sessions, we continued to dig into this as well as the relationship between Kourtney and Allison.

My guides showed me past lives that they had shared, always with Allison being the employer and Kourtney the employee.

There was one particular lifetime that resonated deeply with Kourtney.

In this lifetime Kourtney worked for Allison as a dressmaker (the timeframe looked to be 1700 or 1800s) for lower-class clients in a dark studio room that looked unkept. Allison took in the business requests and Kourtney created the dresses. Kourtney's work was truly art but she did not know or own, how talented she truly was.

She scraped by in that lifetime taking orders from someone else but made things work.

My guides shared that another path in that lifetime that Kourtney could have accessed was to step out from under Allison's business and begin sewing for the wealthy under a pseudonym. Her talent was so incredible that she would have quickly climbed the social ladder with the wealth acquired from her talented sewing abilities and would have experienced an incredibly beautiful and abundant life.

But Kourtney doubted her abilities in that lifetime and many others.

In this current lifetime, Kourtney had a soul contract with Allison to step out from under Allison as an employee and create from her own unique genius, unlike the other lifetimes they had shared.

Kourtney was experiencing stagnation in her coaching business because she was *meant to step out on her own*. This was part of the divine life blueprint she planned for herself before incarnating!

Yet her soul memory of the fear of doing so in previous lifetimes was so strong, that she had not built up the courage yet to create using her magic, once again.

My guides shared that Kourtney would begin to feel more pressure and experience more discomfort the more she ignored this pull to create her own company because she was effectively ignoring the calling of her soul that came from the blueprint she created for her life before she incarnated.

And so it was.

Over the next few months, Kourtney continued to experience more frustration and hardship, and it began to take a toll on her relationship with Allison.

Though Kourtney followed some of the guidance (created a website, and emailed a few clients with the website address), she continued to lean into her fear about stepping out on her own and her divided energy continued to create blocks.

Things continued to get more difficult, and eventually, Allison began to demand more from Kourtney while supporting her less, and even going back on promises made to support Kourtney.

Kourtney and I continued to meet two times each month and I continued to channel guidance and encouragement that she was indeed meant to step away from Allison and create on her own. Kourtney's courage began to increase from the repeated messages and past life regression reflecting many lifetimes of this repeated pattern.

She began to feel the TRUTH of all of this, and combined with her outward circumstances and communication with Allison continuing to get more difficult, she decided to step away and branch out on her own.

After months of worrying about not being able to book new clients, within one week of stepping away from Allison's business she had more than doubled her clientele and her self-confidence SOARED.

What's the lesson here?

When we co-create our divine life blueprint and soul contracts before we incarnate it is for our evolvement and to experience more joy in our life.

Though we cannot "remember" creating our life blueprint, there are what I call "safeguards" put in place to keep us from venturing too far off our path (though many people ignore these signs or safeguards through most, if not all, of their life which creates much sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, stress, and all manner of negative feelings and experiences).

Usually, these safeguards come in the form of trauma and things that lead to stress and anxiety.

By the time we finally decide to follow our soul's calling (or get back onto our blueprint/path) we have become so "fed up" with the seemingly unrelated circumstances that we feel forced to make different decisions in sometimes desperate attempts for relief.

That means the safeguards are working.

One of Kourtney's lessons in this lifetime is believing in herself and realizing her true self-worth. Allison agreed to be part of this specific lesson in this lifetime due to the previous lifetimes they have had together as employer and employee where Kourtney's gift/magic was stifled by deciding to funnel her talents to support other people in their endeavors.

Knowing these truths helped Kourtney to forgive Allison for harmful things said and done; she can look at Allison's role with gratitude instead of anger because of the knowledge that this was all pre-destined and created by both of them before they incarnated. Forgiveness leads to more joy and helps to manifest more abundance.

I call that a win-win-WIN.

Recently when I was celebrating with Kourtney for how far she has come this year (truly, she applied the guidance and we both watched as massive shifts began happening that changed her life in ways she didn't think possible) she shared this;

"I am happier than I have ever been, thank you. All of this is happening because of your channeling. Right now it feels like a hug/high five from the universe."

If you're struggling to understand the hardships or frustrating experiences or relationships in your life, let's get to the ROOT of the issue and quantum leap your growth and healing by taking the action on the guidance that your higher self is (and the safeguards you put in place are) trying to share with you.

I am SO GRATEFUL for this gift I have been given and to be able to share it with others to attain more joy, happiness, wealth, the career or business they want, and to improve relationships with their friends, loved ones, and co-workers.

Kourtney's story is much more beautiful and multi-layered than what I have shared here and will be writing about the other layers in other blog posts for you to piece together a truly magnificent story and outcome that goes beyond her stepping out on her own in business and making massive progress with her self-worth life lesson.

Stay tuned...