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When Your Higher Self Sends a Message From Your Past

One of my very favorite things to channel is the past lives of my clients. When I start each channeling session, I begin with taking time to understand what my client is looking to accomplish; what has brought them to me at this time.

Sometimes when my clients are sharing with me, my guides have already begun giving me "hints" that what my clients are struggling with is tied to past lives, contracts, or lessons they have signed up for in this lifetime. Sometimes my guides share this with me after I have gone into channel with them.

Whenever I have the opportunity to channel past lives I get SO STOKED. This is because when my guides show me the past lives or contracts that are connected to the situation at hand for my client, what they will share will be so mind-blowing for both me and my clients.

One example is a past life that I was shown for a client of mine that is intuitive and in a healing field for work but had been experiencing doubt about her intuition in her profession and life in general.

My client, whom we will call Carrie, had also been experiencing the smell of smoke (which she described as more "campfire" like than something burning) for several weeks and could not figure out where it was coming from. No one else in her family could smell the smoke, and although she felt it was spiritually connected, she could not understand where it was coming from, how to make it disappear, or why it had started in the first place.

After she had visited another intuitive psychic, she was guided to me.

When I began to channel for her, I asked my guides where the smoke was coming from, why had she been smelling it consistently for two weeks, and if there was a purpose behind it.

What they showed me touched me so deeply that I am overwhelmed even writing this now.

My guides simultaneously shared information with me in a movie-like picture as well as, what I describe as, a large download of "knowing".

What they showed me was a native American male near a small round firepit with a thin line of smoke trailing into the sky from it. He stood in a clearing near a forest, wore a simple piece of clothing around his waist and was incredibly calm and serene.

Behind and all around him, other tribe members were slowly walking toward him. My guides shared with me that his role in the tribe was that of a sort of prophet and that he was getting ready to conduct some sort of ritual or meeting where he would be channeling direction for his tribe.

My guides told me that this man was my client, Carrie and that he was sending her a message from her past life, as him, to remind her of her incredible power as a healer who can channel healing direction for her clients as well as a direction within her personal life.

I was overwhelmed by the beauty I felt from his message and the depth of meaning behind it. Carrie had been smelling smoke for weeks to remind her of the power she currently holds, and to remind her of her past life as a powerful tribe channel and healer. Powers that as a soul, she had brought with her into this lifetime.

When I came out of my channel to connect with Carrie, she was weeping. She shared with me that the native American resonated with her deeply and that everything my guides had shared had ignited a "memory" in her and she felt in touch with her power again.

How a native American hundreds of years ago could be sending a smoke message to the present reality is absolutely mind-boggling! This is a perfect example of how "time is an illusion" and also that we live in a spiritual reality where anything is possible.

With this knowing or remembrance, Carrie was able to immediately step back into her full power and is even expanding her business and following the call to bring her healing modalities to a new location which has been calling to her for years.

Oh, and Carrie is no longer smelling smoke.

We live in a time where, although our society is beginning to become more open to spirituality and who we truly are (souls in a body), it is still not commonplace to openly discuss past lives, life contracts, or what happens after we die.

Having the ability to connect to the Divine, to Source, to a higher power and gain cosmic level guidance through channeling has been ASTOUNDING and life-changing.

Are you struggling with making decisions around career, love, family, a move, or anything else? Have you been experiencing negative feelings of any kind?

My guides can help provide the direction, support, answers, and insight for you to determine your next steps, find healing, and gain answers and guidance for your life purpose and path.

Are you ready? Let's go!