After over 15 years as a Fortune 500 banking VP, territory executive, and multi award winning sales strategist, consultant, and process designer I began receiving signs that my career in corporate America would be coming to an end and that I would begin a completely different journey towards my life purpose.

Upon leaving corporate banking, my awakening began with a three and a half hour visit from two angelic beings.  This experience was an incredible surprise to me given I had not believed in the spirit realms and questioned that anything existed beyond this life and what we see, hear, and touch here on this planet. I was quickly shown that what I had been taught to believe was “real” in life was actually just an illusion.

These angels shared many insights and visions with me including part of my mission and purpose here during this lifetime, and that fulfilling this part of my mission and purpose involved using traumas I experienced to help others awaken to their true calling and their own purpose during this unprecedented time in human history.


Though having a conversation with angelic beings was at first a surprise, I immediately had an innate “knowing” or “remembrance”, that this was what was, and has always been, truly “real”.

Shortly following my conversation with the two angelic beings, I began receiving psychic downloads for strangers while in public settings and receiving visits by spirits of those that have passed.

As I began to dive deeper into this new understanding and awakening, my psychic gifts continued expanding to include channeling the Akashic records, cosmic beings, angels, and gurus such as Mary Magdalene, Orion, and others, offering guidance and support on this life journey.

My life has been forever changed.

Hear how I went from a corporate banking executive, territory manager and multi award winning sales strategist, consultant, and process designer to channeling the Akashic records and soul contracts after a lifetime of disbelief in the existence of anything beyond this reality, including a higher power.

More About Heather & What to Expect From Your Channeled Reading

Using tools including past life regression and the Akashic records, Heather helps to facilitate healing and provide channeled guidance by identifying and understanding;

  • Any contracts we agreed to in this lifetime with people or places which contributes to our path’s direction     

  • The reason behind the chaos and trauma experienced in life

  • The reason behind difficult relationships or experiences     

  • Any generational curses that are contributing to trauma      - The reason for complex relationships     

  • Any soul loss experienced from trauma     

  • How to experience more joy and fulfillment     

  • What steps to take for a more successful career or business

  • How to make the best hiring decisions     

  • What to change for a smoother and more streamlined business     

  • How to interact with a difficult family member or friend     

  • Any difficulties engaging with or understanding your children

  • How to approach unplanned situations or trauma     

  • How to find missing persons     

  • How to work with our pre-planned Divine Life blueprint for a more easeful life

Today Heather uses her channeling to help individuals discover their gifts, life purpose, highest life path, and the reason for being on this planet at this specific and unique time in human history.

“Understanding the reasons for the difficulties in this life, the trauma, and the seemingly unexplainable challenges we encounter has been incredibly healing for my clients, and for myself.  By changing our view from one that is three dimensional and eye level to one that is multi-dimensional and cosmic level we can better understand the mysteries of this life and find peace and joy through discovering our purpose and path.”

Heather Bryant

On this planet, we can only see eye level and up to the present moment.  This can many times create worry, fear, and trepidation about making decisions and about the future because we cannot predict what is coming.

As an oracle, Heather accesses all past, present, and future potential realities and provides direction, guidance, and answers based on the spiritual realm’s cosmic knowing about all potential possibilities.  Heather is a conduit for this guidance which is shared with her in pictures, what appears as movies, and what she refers to as a “download” of information.

Heather also provides private channeled guidance around business, relationships, love, and career.

Each one of us has a unique and Divine Life blueprint we co-created before we incarnated here.  This, combined with our free will, helps to ensure we learn the lessons we came here to learn, to serve humanity and the planet using our individual and sovereign gifts, and find more joy and peace in this life.

Heather’s guides frequently use a labyrinth as an example for understanding, from a high level, the information that she channels.