Social Media Themes

I’ve been noticing a theme coming through from my channeling that, true to my guide's style, is simple yet profound.

The guidance that I channel in is always very specific to the client I am working with, but sometimes I notice themes coming through.

In this particular case, I have been noticing that when clients have questions about how to experience more joy, or what they need to do to relieve the anxiety they have been feeling (could be from career, money, relationships, or life in general), one of the common guidance points has been to get off of social media and get out into nature more.

One of my recent clients expressed feeling “blah” about life in general. She could not recall when she had felt joy or contentment. There didn’t seem to be anything that got her excited in life even though she was embarking on a new career path.

When I connected to my guides they told me that she had been using social media quite a bit and had developed a habit of comparing herself with others on the social media apps she was using. Even though she felt driven to start a new career, she was comparing herself to her contacts and friends on social media that were in different stages of their life and had different paths.

Comparing herself to others, even though it was subconscious, was not only creating a false perception of reality, it was causing her to doubt her life choices and the path she was on. This was leading her to self-doubt, feeling unfulfilled, and a loss of joyous energy about life.

My guides shared that social media is a false world, a false reality, that when we compare ourselves to what we see there it leads us to make choices that are not true to our calling and take us off of our life path. When we venture off of our path we stop feeling joy and happiness, we stop feeling fulfilled. This is because we are now comparing our life and path to someone else’s life and path.

Or more accurately, we are comparing our life and path to a snapshot moment in time that someone else has posted on social media that doesn’t explain the whole picture. And many times, what we see on social media is completely false.

When I shared this guidance with her, she confirmed she had been spending hours comparing herself to what she saw on social media from her contacts and friends, and that it had gotten to the point she felt she was lost and on the wrong path. Which turned out was not in the least bit true, but felt true to her because of the warped reality social media presents and her interpretation of that reality.

While many of her social media contacts were getting married and having children, although she didn’t feel that was her path at this time, she started doubting the choices she was making to get started in a career she felt excited about. My guides confirmed for her that, before she was even born, she had chosen a path that was a career-building one early on, because she was and is called to be a leader.

If she was to follow the path to find a partner, get married, and have kids at this time she would continue to feel unfulfilled because that was not the path she had set up for herself at this time in her life. Social media was causing confusion between her intellectual brain (what she saw as “normal” based on her social media influences) and her soul calling.

The second piece of guidance around getting off social media is always followed by the guidance “get out into nature".

We are a part of nature, and when we get out into nature our soul connects to the universe in a soothing, healing way. The guidance can vary based on the client, but the overarching guidance is always to immerse ourselves in nature MORE.

For this particular client, the guidance was to find a specific spot where she could walk, run, hike, or drive to that could be her special place to connect to the universe. To reconnect with herself, her soul, and her purpose. They even showed her in a rainproof hoodie under a tree.

My client responded that she used to have a special place that she would visit when life felt overwhelming or she needed some quiet time alone, but she had moved too far to visit that place. She was also not super excited about getting out into the rain (it rains a lot where she lives), which is why my guides expressed the importance of her getting out in the rain even if she needed to wear protection from the rain.

When I followed up with my client a few days later, she was ecstatic to share that she had immediately deleted her social media apps the day we had our session and that she was looking for a special spot outdoors that she could visit when she was feeling down.

The energy shift I felt from her in just a few days was immense, and it was due to her acting on the guidance that came in and immediately deleting her social media accounts.

Social media has become a central part of most people’s lives, or at least within the society we live in. We have forgotten that truth and reality are all around us in nature, in the people we interact with, and in our creations, whether they be writing, building, or interacting with other human beings face to face.

Truth and reality are not in social media, on tv, in commercials, or the movies. Those are traps that keep us from connecting to our higher selves, or soul, and our inner guidance. They keep us disconnected from our true calling and our life purposes.

Only by following our life path and purpose do we find joy, peace and happiness. And we will not find our life purpose or path within a social media app or on any type of “screen”. These are my guides' words, not mine.

But I can speak from personal experience, and also from the experience of chanelling for others; this guidance could not be more spot on.

Simple but profound. As always.

What will you replace social media and screens with? What brings you joy? Your joyous future awaits.


Create the New


Unplug to Manifest