
A recent client came to me needing help dealing with a difficult neighbor.

Recently they had noticed a few rats running around outdoors and in and out of the neighbor's garage (normal for the area) and had put up a fence between their house and the neighbor's house in an attempt to keep the rats from coming onto their property.

These particular neighbors had been over to my client's house for dinner and game nights several times over the last few years, and things had always been friendly.

However, starting in 2020 and 2021 something changed.

The neighbor stopped being friendly and began blaming my client for the rat issue. The neighbor started putting rat poison along the fence line, something that terrified my client because she has very small children and animals that play along the fence line as well.

My client had tried on many occasions to discuss this with the neighbor, but the neighbor had reacted with hostility to the point that my client had begun consulting with lawyers and the city about protection and solutions.

So what do you think caused once friendly neighbors to become so hostile that they were threatening my client and her family, and putting poison in areas the children and pets could consume it?

When I asked my guides about what was behind this bizarre change in behavior, they showed me that the neighbor and her husband had been struggling in their relationship for a while, which was the first contributing factor to the change in behavior.

The second and related change was due to the neighbors witnessing how my client and her family had not allowed the conditions of the pandemic to bring them down or live in fear, while the neighbors had begun living in such a state of fear that it changed the way they treated others.

That, combined with the fact that the neighbors were disgruntled at the fact that my client and her family appeared to be living in joy despite the conditions around them, caused the neighbors to project their unhappiness onto my client.

Mind is blown, right?

So what was the solution suggested by my guides?

Simple, yet profound, as always.

They showed me that if my client began dropping off small gifts on their doorsteps like homemade cookies or a plant once in a while with a short note about how they missed their dinners and game nights, that alone would soften their feeling towards them.

They also showed that taking the time to ask how the neighbors were doing (specifically the wife), making an effort to chat with them when they were outside (and keeping the topics neutral and light), would have a profound effect on their mental state towards my clients.

The neighbors had gotten caught up in a trap of anger and fear and were projecting it onto my client and her family because they were living their lives with joy and happiness, something that the neighbors allowed to bring them down, causing them to blame my client for how they were feeling.


Sometimes the answer to a problem is something so simple that we overlook it completely.

The last beautiful piece of this is that one of my client's lessons in this lifetime is learning forgiveness and letting things go.

So the universe had brought this lesson to her doorstep as practice and an opportunity to achieve what she had set out to achieve before she even incarnated here.

And once again, my guides have blown me away with their beautiful simple and profound guidance always enveloped with love.


It’s Not What You Think


Tracing Back Insecurities