There is No Such Thing as Coincidence

When I first moved to Central Oregon (a dream I never thought possible!!) one of the first intentions I set for myself was to meet like-minded women and form new friendships.

One of the things I left behind in Portland was a girlfriend group that had been an answer to an intention/prayer I had made almost 15 years prior. Though there had been changes occurring within the group for the last few years, it was still difficult to leave an established group of friends that had filled a desire in my life for some time.

The first woman I met when I moved was my massage therapist, whom we will call Dora.

I remember pulling up to park my car just before my first appointment time and saying out loud "please help this interaction to be more than just a therapy appointment." And so it was.

Over many appointments, Dora and I shared what many would say is Too Much Information from the very first appointment. We bonded over our pasts, our present, and our hopes for the future.

Dora met me just before I started channeling and has been witness to the evolution of my gifts starting with psychic downloads which progressed to full-on channeling of the Akashic records, life contracts and lessons, as well visits from spirits. All things I never believed in before.

Dora was going through her evolution and battling with her soul's calling to leave an abusive relationship that left her soul feeling lonely, dying, and unnourished.

When Dora reached out and asked for a channeled reading recently, I was ECSTATIC to be able to share my gift with her, and ultimately to help her with her evolution.

Dora had been with her husband since... *high school* (almost 30 years total). Let that sink in.

Before she was even considered an adult, she had met the man she ended up marrying and having two children with.

The relationship had its ups and downs, and there had been a lot of abuse; emotional, mental, as well as physical.

A little under a year ago Dora found out that her husband was having an affair. To what extent, she did not know. But this was not the first time she had uncovered his lies and affairs.

She spent hundreds of hours and all her energy trying to figure out what was going on, uncovering his lies, and (bless her heart) eventually trying to make things work between them by starting therapy.

They went to one joint session together, and he quit.

She continued in therapy on her own.

All of this was happening while she went back to school and added aesthetician to her repertoire and moved her business from her house to a formal office.

This woman's bravery and courage astound me.

Almost immediately after leaving her home with her husband, she met someone online and began dating.

The first meeting with this man (whom we will call Derik) was incredibly intense and passionate. Massive chemistry.

When she asked me to channel for her, she wanted to know more about the relationship between her and Derik (whom she had known for a few months at the time I channeled for her).

I opened it up to my guides and let them take the lead.

They began to show me that she and Derik have had passionate love affairs in previous lives full of chemistry.

They shared that Dora and Derik had a contract for him to be a "beacon" to her soul to help pull her out of the deep, deep trauma-filled life she had been experiencing. The deep passionate chemistry-filled relationship they had experienced in at least one past life together was enough to call to her soul; invoke her soul memory.

The reason they had met so quickly after leaving her marriage was pre-destined, a contract made before incarnation, to provide her HOPE and the lifeline she needed to keep her from second-guessing the decision she had finally made to leave her abusive relationship (they also showed me that she had been ignoring the signs for yeeeeeears to leave, because of her/our human indoctrination not to give up, that there wasn't anything better out there, etc., etc., etc.).

Derik had agreed (before incarnation) to be her "beacon" (as my guides showed me) to show her *what was possible* for her "life after abuse".

He was the skip in her beat to shock her into the beginning of her new reality.

I have to add here that sometimes when my guides show me things that my human self feels hesitant to relay to my clients, I am worried about how they will take it (because I do not know the full situation of what my client is experiencing or feeling as a 3rd dimensional human with limited information- 99% of my clients are strangers when I channel for them for the first time).

When this happens I end up having a "moment" with my guides in private (or several minutes if I'm honest) of internal dialogue with them while I am channeling their guidance, asking them if I HAVE to share this, will it be beneficial? Will the client be upset? (OH HUMAN BRAIN, CAN'T YOU JUST LET GO AND TRUST.)

It can be tough to channel in the information that my human self feels could be hurtful or detrimental to what that person *wants to hear*.

BUT- I DO relay the information in the end (sometimes after having a silent telepathic conversation with them to start; "Are you SURE I should share this? Can you GUARANTEE they won't be upset at "ME", etc.), and I am always FLOORED to learn that it is EXACTLY. WHAT. THEY. NEED. TO HEAR.

Back to Dora.

My guides shared with me that Dora would start to think "what else is out there?" due to her being in the same relationship since childhood and that she should NOT SECOND GUESS this because it will be her soul leading her towards a future of abundance and MAGIC.

The contract with Derik was to help show her what is possible to experience (with a man, but also with life in general) beyond the abusive relationships she was accustomed to.

One of Dora's soul contracts in this lifetime was to step into her power as a woman and end cycles of abuse she had experienced in past lifetimes.

So as a soul she agreed to enter into abusive relationships early on in life to give her the "game board" required to rise and overcome what she came here to release permanently (in this lifetime she has experienced abuse as a child and teen in foster homes as well).

Back to Derik.

My guides shared that because she tends to fall back into abuse, as well as the reality of living in abuse her whole life (including childhood), if she felt herself falling back into a routine with Derik that didn't support what she was here to experience (her blueprint, contract, or lessons), she would start to see Derik's behavior change.

This was ON PURPOSE to help gently guide her back onto her life path which was (at a suuuuuuuuper basic level) to nourish her soul, experience joy in every way possible, experiment with life, etc.

Dora confirmed Derik had already shown signs that supported what my guides had been relaying, and my guides responded by suggesting she write down on a piece of paper (and make copies for her house, office, and purse) what she wanted FROM LIFE.

It was important that Dora know what she wanted FOR HER LIFE, and not confuse that with what she wanted from a man, or relationship. And by writing it down and looking at it daily, she could use it as a reminder to ensure she was making decisions that were supporting her highest life path vs. confusing it with the decisions she had made up to that point which had been ingrained in her psyche by DEEPLY ingrained neural pathways created from a 3rd-dimensional reality and soul memories of previous experiences.

By making decisions from a place of "what do I want in my LIFE", vs. "what do I need from this PERSON to feel happy" you completely change the outcome of your reality to be most in line with what is in your highest good for the most joy-filled life possible.

After we had explored Derik and the contracts between them, she asked me about another man in her life. A man she had known since high school; someone she had never formally dated or had a relationship with, but that she felt very drawn to and had also been communicating with (out of state) for several months (who we will call Trey).

My guides shared with me a very specific past life that Dora and Trey had shared.

Dora and Trey had had (at least one) very passionate life as lovers together.

The vision they showed me was of Trey getting ready to leave on a trip on a (very large) boat/ship (timing looked around 1700/1800s.).

The parting was incredibly sad and painful for both of them, but they both remained strong and Dora was supportive of Trey leaving, something he had no choice about.

My guides played a scene from this life in which Trey was holding Dora to his chest, and Dora looked up and deep into his eyes, doing her best to be strong and hold back tears.

I could FEEL their love.

No words passed between them, they simply held each other- intentionally soaking in their last moments together.

Trey never came home, and Dora spent her life barely feeling, barely existing. Broken-hearted (my guides did not share at that time what happened to Trey, just that it was not his choice to come back home. It isn't uncommon for my guides to only give me snippets of information relevant to the topic or question at hand since everything is so deep and multilayered. They give me what we need to know at the moment).

My guides showed me that Dora and Trey had (what they called) "loose ends" to clear up and that he was in her life to do this and they could do it by either;

1) playing the relationship out in this lifetime

2) consciously cutting the chords (a real process that I can assist with) between them to let go of the lifetime(s) they had shared in the past that were void of closure.

They also showed me that both Dora and Trey had put a "cap" on the level of their love in this lifetime to keep them from falling as deeply in love as they had been in the past because this lifetime was not meant for them to be together "forever".

There were other priorities in this lifetime they were both focused on, but they planned to pull from their past lives together to help Dora (and Trey, although I did not channel his life path since I did not have his permission) to stay on the path to redemption from a lifetime of abuse.

When I shared all this with Dora she said "this confirms what I had been feeling but couldn't understand, or put my finger on."

"What are you going to do about Trey?" I asked.

"Play it out!" She said.

Within minutes of us ending our session, Trey had texted her of his intention to fly out to visit her.

Ears burning much, Trey???

Here's what I want to convey in this post.

Everything, EVERYTHING, in our life is happening for a reason.

Relationships with people are not an accident.

Experiences are not an accident.

Either you are meant to learn something, complete a contract, learn a lesson, or "tie up loose ends" ALL for your ascension and evolution as a soul.

Nothing happens by accident.

That's not to say that you need to overanalyze every moment of your life. On the contrary.

We are here to experience JOY.

And when something comes into your awareness that is not aligned with joy, you simply ask the question "What is this teaching me? What is this trying to tell me? How can I look at this as a blessing instead of a curse?"

By understanding the past and the context behind the experiences you are having, you can more quickly re-align with your life blueprint and path which leads to more joy, fulfillment, and a life of bliss.

THIS is the purpose behind this gift I have been given.

To help others understand the context behind the chaos.

To help others tune out society's opinions and judgement.

To help YOU step back into the life path you are meant to follow, to bring you more fulfillment and joy.

To experience less chaos and more space for experiencing all that this world has to offer.

YOU are here FOR A REASON.

Are you ready to make sense of the madness? To make sense of the seemingly random events occurring in your life? To understand why certain patterns continue to repeat themselves?

You are waking up, and you're feeling a stirring deep down but can't put your finger on it.

If you are ready to hear the TRUTH and apply Divine guidance to your life to call forth more joy and abundance in all areas of your life, let's connect.

This gift of mine has been bestowed upon me with the responsibility to help others awaken to their soul's calling and life purpose.

It's time to Wake Up to your true self and step into the life you planned for yourself.


Remembering the "Why" Part 1


Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover