2) "When I first met my (adopted) daughter during the first hours of her life and I looked into her eyes, I felt a connection that I couldn't explain."

  • This client, a woman in this life, had had a previous life as the father of this baby's soul (who was his daughter in the previous life)

  • As the father, he was a kind, compassionate, and loving man whose children adored him

  • When incarnating into this life as a woman, the soul who was the daughter in a previous life agreed to incarnate again as the child in this life due to the beautiful experience she had had with her father in her previous life

  • When my client locked eyes with this brand new baby in this life, there was a soul recognition, something the baby actually remembered and was not yet able to express in word.

1) "I love being a primary care doctor, but I don't feel connected to my work anymore.  I feel like the majority of my days are spent on administrative work to check some sort of corporate box versus being available to my patients.  I am no longer empowered to do what I know is right for the patient, instead I am being asked to push corporate agendas that I no longer align to.  No one else seems to be bothered by this!"

  • This client was experiencing increased frustration at work in order to bring her to the decision to leave the corporate medicine world; she has a soul contract to be part of the "new" world of healing outside of an environment controlled by greed and power

  • No one else in her clinic seemed to notice the increasingly controlled system that was taking away the doctors’ ability to make decisions that are best for client care rather than what was best for the business, because they did not have the same contract

  • She was awakening to her soul calling to be part of a new system, pre-destined prior to her incarnation

By making her daily work experience increasingly difficult, the universe (her higher self) was in fact guiding her to leave her current career.  

This can be difficult when we live in a world that encourages loyalty to corporations through 401k or profit sharing, not to mention other tactics.  So when we have veered off of our highest path, or when it is time to make a change for our highest good, we may at times begin to feel things becoming difficult in the areas of our life that are needing change.


Below are some examples of channelled outcomes for private 1x1 clients who had soul contracts aligned to challenges they were experiencing in their lives.

These are high-level examples, as each channelled reading goes deep and is multi-layered in each case.

3) "My father-in-law is incredibly difficult to get along with and is always treating my husband and me like a business.  He seems incredibly greedy and angry and it is very difficult to work with him (on the farm)."

  • Upon channelling I learned that, unbeknownst to my client or her husband, her father-in-law had endured a very difficult childhood where he was not shown love - this helped to create the hard exterior she knows today

  • The father-in-law was scared of being taken advantage of and this was shown in the way he wanted to keep their relationship "business-like"; he felt it was a way to protect him from being hurt again - by not letting love in, he could not be hurt (his belief)

  • The father-in-law had a contract to experience hardship in this life, and by understanding that, my client was able to find compassion and understanding for him which has begun to change the relationship between her, her husband, and her father in law

  • Additional channelled guidance included making efforts to invite the father-in-law and his wife over for dinner once a month and avoid talking about the business - instead try playing games or sitting around a fire to begin to create trust between them

  • Learning about her father-in-law's hardships helped to soften my client's feelings towards him and increase compassion around his behaviour, reducing her anxiety and anger towards him

4) "I have known this man (love interest) for over 10 years and since I moved 4 years ago I haven't stopped thinking of him.  Even though we plan frequent trips to spend time together, he frequently cancels at the last minute and I can't rely on him when he makes promises.  We have an incredible connection and I can't shake the feeling we are meant to be together, but I am scared of pushing him away."

  • Over 10 years ago my client had manifested this client through intention and listing out the non-negotiable qualities she desired in a partnership

  • When I channelled I was shown that she and this man no longer aligned as partners, and I was shown that one of the reasons was that she was increasingly doing work to evolve as a soul and address trauma and pain from past relationships, whereas he was, on the contrary, pushing his own traumatic experiences deep down where he could try and avoid feeling the pain from them

  • Holding on to the hope that they could become more than an on and off couple kept her from seeing the signs the universe and her higher self were bringing to her that they were no longer aligned

  • Her recognizing his inability to stick to a commitment or pull away when they began to get closer (over and over) was her higher self getting her attention with things that she would be unable to ignore or look past

  • The guidance was for her to create a new list of desires for a romantic partnership for manifestation, as the previous list no longer aligned with where she was at in her life or with her soul's calling

  • By making a new list and reviewing it daily, she would be changing the neuropathways in her brain that still held onto the original alignment with this man

  • The change in alignment with this man was one of many other changes she was becoming aware of including changes in friendships, career, etc. all of which were designed to get her attention and help encourage her to hear her soul and intuition telling her it was time to let go of what was no longer serving her or her desires to evolve

6) "My (12 year old) daughter became upset at me the other day for not wanting to step out of the car into a mud puddle.  It seems that she gets irritated at small things like this often."

  • The soul contract between this mother and daughter is for the daughter to bring playfulness to my client's life, as my client has chosen several difficult traumas to experience (for a multitude of reasons) including the death of a son at 12 years old, a brother under 40 years old, and other family members

  • Her young daughter has an adventurous soul who is "known" in the spirit realms for being tenacious and playful, and who has incarnated with my client before

  • The direction from my guides was that when her daughter gets irritated about something, regardless of how small it seems, to stop and take "note" of what is happening - her daughter's irritation is a sign that she is identifying a need for her to bring her playfulness (through identifying that her mother needs to add more lightness and playfulness into the moment) to the forefront

  • Her daughter getting irritated is simply because she is still too young to be able to express in words that she sees a need for her to act on her soul contract (to bring playfulness), and that she will learn to better express herself as she gets older, including being able to identify what when she gets irritated it is simply her call to view the situation at hand and bring her playfulness in as she feels called (per her soul contract)

5) "I finally left my 25-year abusive marriage and have connected with someone online that I feel incredibly drawn to.  I can't explain it, but we both feel like this is very different than previous dating experiences."

  • These two new lovers have had past lives together, and their souls are "beacons" to each other - one aspect of the soul contract between them is to help each other through a temporarily hard time

  • Without this strong pull, or soul contract, it would have been easier for my client to be pulled back into an abusive relationship

  • The previous life (or lives) together created the soul memory needed for them to feel the "recognition", and because of their past incarnations together they were able to connect in a deep way that provided healing, and joy, both of which were critical at that time

8)  "Why am I not able to grow my business?  It seems like I am doing all the right activities yet I cannot gain any new clients."

  • My client had been working in somewhat of a partnership with another woman whose name was on the business (my client's name was not) and paid my client a stipend every month to create trainings, run her social media, send emails, etc.

  • The partner had been asking to meet with my client to identify what the root cause was for her "not being able" to bring in new clients

  • During our very first meeting I channelled that my client was meant to leave the partnership and start her own business on her own

  • My client shared that she was certain she would not be going out on her own, and if she did it would be years down the road - she did not feel confident that she would be able to "make it" on her own

  • Over the course of several channeled readings, I was shown that one of the lessons my client was here to learn in this lifetime was the lesson of self worth

  • I was shown several lifetimes where my client had just "existed" in life, not taking chances and eeking by

  • One particular lifetime was as a dress maker *working underneath a woman who was her business partner in this lifetime*

  • In this dressmaking lifetime she was a lower class citizen (money is not an issue for her in this lifetime) making dresses for other lower class/middle class citizens and working for, and taking orders, from someone else

  • I was shown that one of the alternative paths in the dressmaking lifetime was to start her own business and create under a pseudonym for the wealthy - something that would have in turn made her wealthy as well

  • She and her business partner in this lifetime had a soul contract for my client to step out from under her as an employee and realize her power as a creator on her own and increase her self worth

  • Working with her business partner in this lifetime was becoming increasingly difficult because of her soul contract to create on her own, but her feelings of low self-worth had kept her from leaving

*Over the first 4 months working together the past lives and soul contracts I channelled for her began to give her the courage she needed to make the decision to leave the partnership; something that had been pre-planned before her incarnation.

Within 4 months of working together, the partnership with her employer continued to become increasingly strained to give the last push my client needed to step away. 

Within 1 week of leaving, her private client list increased by over 200%.

7) "Lately I have been seeing birds, specifically owls, everywhere!  Outside my window, landing near me outside, even on the tv when I turn it on.  What is going on??"

  • I was shown a past life where my client was a shaman and a healer and spent more time in the forest with animals and birds than with people

  • She had experienced abuse and trauma in this life and was feeling small and scared

  • She came to be a healer again in this life, a soul contract made prior to incarnation, and the birds she was beginning to see everywhere were a sign and a wake-up call for her to "remember" her true power and purpose in this life

  • Through channelling we learned that she was being asked to create ceremonies of gratitude to begin changing her vibration and frequency, and begin stepping into her immense power as a shaman and healer in this lifetime

  • She is here to use her trauma to connect with and help others experiencing trauma in this lifetime

  • Because of this channelled guidance this client is now, for the first time, stepping into her role as a shaman and cosmic guide and creating workshops, women's groups, and ceremonies

9) "I love my husband so much, but why do I also feel like I hate him?"

  • My client was the "quieter" one in her marriage, taking a back seat most the time to her husband's gregarious and outgoing nature

  • Channeling the multiple past lives my client and her husband have had together(in various roles) reflected patterns where my client had traditionally been the gregarious, outgoing, and confident one

  • These 2 souls enjoyed incarnating together due, in part, to their mutually adventurous and courageous nature (which was true in this life as well)

  • They made a soul contract in this life for her husband to switch roles as the outgoing one (for a time), while my client "stepped back" and allowed him the spotlight

  • My client had started feeling resentful the last few years and was struggling with where it was coming

  • When I reviewed this specific contract I was shown that the contract for him to have more of the spotlight in this life had expired which was creating the recent resentful feeling and she was now being called to step into a more equal role in the partnership

Learning this information helped give my client the courage to step into a more equal role in her marriage, bringing her increased happiness and connection with her husband.

10) "I am a co-manager of a team at work, and in the last few months we have both been experiencing increased complaints from our team.  It feels like the company is not here to support me and is taking the complaints literally without any research or investigation.  I am also expecting to receive at least one job offer in the next week from a different company, but I don't know if I am meant to stay where I am instead."

  • Upon opening up my channel with the intention to receive the information that was most supportive for my client at this time in her life, I was shown that there were other areas of her life she was experiencing challenges and that the overall message was it was time to make transitions to support her evolvement

  • My client had been working on her spiritual evolvement but was unaware of key areas in her life that were calling for change, so she had begun to experience difficulties in relationships, career, and other areas

  • Upon relaying to her what I had been shown, she confirmed that she had been encountering negative comments and reactions from her group of friends and community and that she had been telling herself that she was "strong enough to handle it"

  • She had also been experiencing difficulty in a long-term off-and-on relationship with a man she had hoped could become a permanent romantic partner in her life

  • The difficulty in her career was not a coincidence and was actually part of the overall message being brought to her by her guides and higher self "It was time to make changes" for her highest good and continued evolvement

  • The guidance channeled was that she was to reduce her circle of influence by at least 70%, leave her current career and take the job offer that lit her up (regardless of her fear in the unknown), and to (at least temporarily) let go of the romantic pursuit of the long term off and on relationship

  • It was time to let go of stale energy and clear her space to make room for a career that was healthy and more aligned to her goals, friendships that were more spiritually supportive and positive, and a romantic partnership that was more aligned to her needs, goals, and desires; all for the purpose of increasing the joy in her life and her evolvement as a soul

11) "I have been smelling smoke for weeks, no one else can smell it.  It smells more like a campfire than a candle or something burning."

  • This client works as a healer doing myofascial work and is incredibly gifted, yet had been feeling less confident lately and it was reflected in her work and her personal life

  • She was also having trouble connecting in her mediations and was feeling deflated

  • The past life I channelled was of her as a native American medicine man and healer of his community- I felt so much strength, power, confidence, and compassion from him as I watched him light a small fire and let it burn down to embers; creating smoke

  • I was shown the village slowly making their way to him and the ceremony he was creating, using smoke, for his village

  • When my guides told me that this native American man, from hundreds of years ago, was sending a message to himself (my client!) in this current life to remind her of her true innate power as a healer I was overcome with awe

  • After sharing the deep message with my client and affirming one of her contracts in this lifetime to be a healer, my client had soul recognition/memory and immediately began to feel her confidence returning

  • She saw the effects of all of this immediately in her work, and the smell of smoke dissipated as it had accomplished its purpose of reminding my client of her power; power that had been exercised in many lifetimes before