Life Challenges Align to Your Soul Contracts

It has been truly amazing to watch the accelerated growth of my 3 and 6-month private coaching clients who have been determined to take the channelled guidance around their soul contracts and divine life blueprints and apply it to their lives for quantum expansion.

One particular private 1x1 client (we will call her Kallie) who I have been working with since February 2022, originally came to me requesting support and guidance around increasing her private coaching business.

Kallie was in somewhat of a partnership with another coach and was responsible for the social media presence, content for emails and posts, and also bringing in new clients to the business.  She received a small monthly stipend and kept a percentage of the coaching retainers for clients she brought into the business.

When I first met Kallie she was struggling with self-worth and courage and was feeling panicked about having not brought in any new clients to the coaching business in some time.

When I channelled her soul contracts I was shown past lives where Kallie had not only spent her life supporting others while putting herself on the back burner, but she had actually worked for her current business partner in at least 1 other life.  She had spent this previous lifetime designing for her boss while living at the low end of society, due to lacking self-worth and courage to branch out alone (I was also shown another past life as an example where Kallie had lost her husband to an illness and was left to raise 2 small children on her own.  She spent the rest of her life after her husband’s death in mourning- never truly living for herself).

Two of the contracts that were popping up for Kallie at this time were around self-worth and living this incarnation for herself instead of spending most of her life supporting other people.  She was here to become empowered and experience joy, something that had been lacking in previous lifetimes due to the decision to stay small and support and care for others over herself.

Over the course of the first few months working together, I continued to learn through channelling that things were going to start getting harder and feeling tighter for Kallie.  The purpose of this was to in effect encourage and guide Kallie towards her divine life blueprint through her soul contract of learning self-worth (something I constantly see with my clients who are being pushed to expand and grow through their soul contracts and divine life blueprint).

At first, Kallie did not think she would ever break away from her business partner, and that eventually evolved to potentially breaking away "in the next few years".  However, the channelled guidance continued to be that Kallie would experience increased discomfort until she made the decision to disconnect from her business partner.

In about the 5th month of her and I working together Kallie shared with me that her business partner had become so demanding, unreliable, and wishy-washy that she could not imagine working with her anymore.  The channelled prophesy of things in Kallie's life becoming increasingly difficult in order for her to make the decision on her own to dissolve the partnership was spot on.

Over the course of about a week, Kallie very professionally and with kindness told her business partner that it was time to separate and submitted a proposal including a timeline for how to consciously uncouple themselves.  She did this with complete clarity and trust after spending years feeling small and like she would most likely never branch out on her own.  

The universe nudged Kallie towards her path by creating discomfort in the areas most likely to have the effect needed to make different decisions.

As we continued to work together the topics changed to other things including her marriage.

Though Kallie was married to a man (we will call Nick) who was very well off, very successful (he brings in millions each year through private contracts with his business), and who also owned multiple beautiful properties, Nick was constantly pressuring Kallie to bring in more money.

Kallie is a full-time mom to a young daughter, takes care of the house, supports her husband in his business, dedicates much of her life to rescuing abused horses, coaches sports for young girls, and also runs a coaching business at a scale that is comfortable to her.

Kallie could not understand why Nick was constantly pushing her to bring in more money when they had more than enough; he had always been this way.  She assumed it was due to his upbringing in a house that was so poor they sometimes had to hunt small animals for food.

Kallie had fallen into a depression 4 years ago and fought to bring herself out of it, and was feeling herself falling back into depression again for the exact same reasons she had fallen into depression before; the undying pressure from Nick to bring in a higher income, as well as feeling unseen and unvalued in the marriage.  She felt that Nick could only value money and did not see all that she was doing to support him, the household, their daughter, and everyone else in their life.

When I channelled to find out where Nick's obsession and insecurity around money came from I expected to be shown images from his childhood.

Instead I was shown lifetimes where Nick had been living a free, happy, and supported life and had everything taken from him in an instant to be wrongfully jailed with no communication with the outside world, and no access to his hard-earned money and possessions. 

Nick's obsession and insecurity around money in this lifetime were not actually from his childhood in this lifetime (although he did choose aspects of his childhood on purpose to create the conditions necessary to overcome this immense fear around money that he had carried with him for many lifetimes), it was from previous incarnations.

When I shared this with Kallie it was like a huge lightbulb went on - it all finally made sense.

No amount of money in this lifetime was going to ever feel like enough for Nick- his deep fear came from something he could not remember (from previous incarnations) and revolved around having everything taken away in an instant, NOT that he didn't or wouldn't have "enough".  THIS is what needed to be looked at and healed, something that had never been considered before.

It was also shared with me that things, yet again, were going to begin getting harder in order to nudge Kallie back towards her co-created divine life blueprint and to honor the soul contracts she created (self worth and living her life for herself (instead of servitude to others) with more joy).

Nick is here to learn to trust in the universe, in Source, and to overcome his fear of not being supported.

Nick's anxiety around money continued to spiral, becoming more and more demanding that Kallie bring in more income.  He began drinking more and more to the point where friends and family were reaching out to Kallie asking her to take charge and force him into AA.

Kallie shared with me that she didn't feel seen by Nick, that she felt unvalued for all that she did for Nick, their family, and their household.  If there wasn't monetary payment, then in Nick's mind there was no value.  He just couldn't see through his pre-incarnated fears the value that Kallie was providing.

Again Kallie found her energy depleted and found herself spending all her time and energy trying to minimize the collateral damage from her husband including with friends and family.  She was spending all of her time trying to appease Nick, reason with him, trying to get him to acknowledge all that she did for him and the family through senseless and unheard arguments.  She was sinking yet again into a depression.

When I channeled for Kallie around all of this, we were not totally surprised to learn that much of this was being orchestrated not just for Nick's evolvement and ascension but for Kallie's as well.  This was all related to, once again, her contracts in this lifetime to connect to her true self worth and stop living her life for others (Nick has contracts too, but this post is about Kallie).  

It was time to set boundaries and begin taking steps towards the life she had planned for herself which included protecting her energy and experiencing a joy filled life versus a life of servitude to others, which she had lived many times before.

Kallie and Nick were scheduled to attend their first therapy session together on the day she and I had our next private 1x1 session scheduled, so we bumped up our session 2 days so that I could channel guidance on how to prepare for therapy in order to get the most from it (Nick was not yet open to meeting with me, he was more comfortable with traditional therapy at that time).

My guides blew me away yet again with their tangible and incredibly clear guidance.

First we were told that Nick may very well only go to 1 therapy session, so preparing for this session the best Kallie was able, could increase the chances not only that he would be open to returning, but that they would get the most out of the therapy session as possible given it can take many traditional therapy sessions just to "level set" and get to know clients (unlike channeled guidance which goes straight to the root of the issue whether the client is aware of it or not).

My guides shared with us that it would be beneficial for Kallie to do an exercise, pre-work, to have ready at the therapy appointment;

1)  Write down on a piece of paper what Kallie could not live without (non-negotiables); what did she want from life (joy, self care, quality time with Nick and their daughter, vacations to their beach house, time with friends, etc.).  This was important because Nick thought what was important in their life was money, and was not hearing Kallie telling him that she wanted joy, time with him, to feel seen, heard, etc., not money.

2) a. Conduct research on yearly salaries for all the "positions" she held within the home; nanny, housecleaner, chef, personal assistant, etc. b. add up these salaries (they added up to over 350k/year). c. daily or weekly Kallie would "bill" Nick for the tasks she completed (example: Cooked 5 dinners, made 7 lunches, cooked 4 breakfasts = $1000.  7 days of 24/7 childcare = $2000, etc.).

My guides suggested making this a fun exercise, it wasn't supposed to be a "gotcha".  But since Nick was still experiencing such fear around money from previous incarnations and applying pressure daily onto Kallie (who was falling into a depression because of it) and because he was also a visual person (who is highly emotionally reactionary - all things my guides had shared with me and validated by Kallie), this could be the way to get through to him and help he see the "value" in what Kallie did every day for him and their family.

Kallie was also concerned about how to address Nick's family and friends who were pressuring her to force him into AA, etc.

My guides stated that all of this pressure was an opportunity, orchestrated by the universe, for Kallie to begin practicing setting boundaries and protecting herself and her energy to begin fulfilling her soul contracts to 1) realize her self-worth and 2) live her life first for herself, then support others when her cup is full.

"Look."  My guides said gently.  "Look at the growth you made in these areas at the beginning of working together (myself and Kallie).  You made a great deal of progress towards your goal of realizing your self-worth AND protecting your energy from being depleted when supporting others ahead of yourself (when Kallie walked away from her business partnership).  Now it is time to turn that attention and focus towards this area of your life for further evolvement.  All is happening for your highest good."

Every.Single.Thing.  What is happening in our lives is for our evolution.

Experiences can be painful, confusing, frustrating, MADDENING, and they can cause anxiety, panic, and fear when we don't see them for what they are; carefully orchestrated clues to help us find our way back to our highest path and learn the lessons we came here to learn including balance over our incarnations.

BUT when we look at our experiences as guideposts guiding us back towards the divine life blueprint we co-created for ourselves prior to incarnating we can see our experiences for what they are; gentle nudges (and sometimes not so gentle, when we need to be shaken awake) to help us back onto our highest path.


One of my purposes here in this lifetime is helping people collapse time by accomplishing their goals quicker, helping clients identify sooner the guideposts and markers from the universe directing us back onto our path, let go of resentment and anger towards experiences, family, and friends and turn it into gratitude and compassion.

By channelling soul contracts and the reasons behind the experiences we have, I have seen countless people literally quantum leap challenges with love, career, family, friends, and experiences. They accomplish long term life goals in a fraction of the timeframe, by collapsing time through teaching them to see "challenges" for what they truly are; lessons and guideposts to support us in accomplishing our soul contracts and honoring their pre-planned life blueprint. Then they take the appropriate steps to move past the challenges by learning the lesson they are here to help us learn.

Kallie has accomplished things in the last 9 months that she didn't think she would accomplish for years, if at all, all because of her dedication to applying the channelled guidance for personal growth and evolvement. By working WITH her challenges (seeing them for the guideposts that they are) she has quickly moved past and through lessons many people take lifetimes to learn.  SO PROUD OF YOU KALLIE!

Are you ready to make quantum leaps with your life goals in love, career, and relationships? 

Are you ready to collapse time and bring in more joy quicker by overcoming challenges faster?  

Are you ready to identify what needs to be learned and healed to bring in a sacred partnership, a dream career, or friends and experiences that are high vibe and aligned with you and your path?

Are you ready to learn how to identify the challenges and experiences that are directing you to another path or to learn and overcome a lesson you set up for yourself?

Are you ready to look at challenging experiences, people, and your childhood with gratitude and compassion instead of frustration, confusion, anger, or anxiety?

Working privately 1x1 in a 3 or 6-month container (when open and available) will be LIFE-CHANGING for you.  Contact me to book a complimentary 15-minute discovery call to see if working 1x1 with me is a match.


When Your Higher Self Sends a Message From Your Past


The Universe’s Drip Campaigns in Your Life