The Universe’s Drip Campaigns in Your Life

Many clients who come to me and my guides seeking guidance around careers usually have also been asking themselves (or the universe, God, Source, etc.) what their life purpose is as well.

What I find is that when someone has not been feeling fulfilled within their career or current job, but cannot see “a way out”, they have also had questions (at least subconsciously) about what their life purpose is.

This is not a coincidence.

I have found that when someone has been feeling unfulfilled (in this case I am speaking specifically about career vs. love, family, etc., although these feelings offer the same opportunity for reflection in all areas of life) in their career it is their soul nudging them into the next steps in their life journey, or to be more aligned to their life purpose (which is also that which brings them joy).

It can be incredibly difficult to leave a career that you attended college for or that you have had for a long time, that you felt very fulfilled in at one point in your life, or that you feel you must stay in for financial reasons.

People tend to push away the feeling of unfulfillment or lack of joy in what they do, as well as the thoughts of “what else is out there for me” because of the fear that if they leave their career or job, they will find that they have made a mistake.

Feeling guilty for not being grateful can also override the heavy feeling of unfulfillment because we are taught that we should be grateful for what we have, that if we have the desire for more or something else then we could lose what we have already because of (what we believe to be) the universe, or God, etc., “teaching us a lesson” in some way or form.

This is not real. This is indoctrination and our ego’s flight or fight response to protect us from danger or the unknown.

The universe is much more advanced and loving than this.

We are part of the universe and are connected to all things including our Higher Selves which is who co-created this very life and existence before we were born.

What I have seen over and over (and over, and over, and over) is that when a person begins to identify the feeling of unfulfillment with their career it has been building for a while. By the time you “feel” or identify that you no longer feel fulfilled with your career, it is because your Higher Self has been sending you small signs (or a “Drip Campaign” as we used to call it in the corporate world) that it is time to change your circumstances for some time and it has finally manifested in something you can identify as a strong change of emotion or feeling.

As an example, if you have not been feeling fulfilled or excited about what you are doing for a while, and you took the time to sit down to try and identify when the feeling started, you will most likely find that there were other things in your life happening at the same time that was the universe’s way of emphasizing this feeling to help direct your next steps.

To help illustrate this I will use a life example from one of my clients. This is also a beautiful example of how our lives are also multilayered with contracts and lessons we came here to learn, the karma we came to balance, past life challenges we came to overcome (so we don’t have to repeat them again!!), and how the universe magically intertwines all these layers for your highest good. But for the sake of this post, we will stay mostly focused on the career piece.


My client (who we will call Karli) came to me asking for guidance on remodeling her home. She had recently purchased a new property to be used as an investment down the road, but she planned to live in it while her primary home was going through a major remodel, something she had been planning for a while.

Karli is incredibly driven, a grinder. Someone that puts everyone else in front of herself including her clients. She is a business owner in a field that has traditionally been very lucrative but that takes hard work and long hours (with little to no vacation) and virtually no off switch. She is the definition of hard work and sacrifice.

She had encountered a challenge in the remodeling process due to market/appraisal rules and roadblocks and was feeling down and deflated because the planned remodel was now going to cost much more money.

Her question to me and my guides was basically “Should I stick to the large remodel as I have been planning for years, or should I do a smaller remodel, or something else.”

The answer was in what I call the margins or the blind spots.

What was manifesting in our 3rd-dimensional reality as a major wrench in her remodel plans, was actually the answer to another important question and was also connected to a lesson she came here to learn in this lifetime.

As always, I was blown away by the deeper reason behind all of this.

What my guides shared is that Karli had lost the passion she had once had for her career, a very successful and lucrative career that she knew inside and out but that she couldn’t see a way out of or a way to transition into something that brought her joy. She could not see any other way to make the money she felt she needed to provide her family with the life she had never had. 

A lot of pressure. 

So she had kept trudging forward in a career that was draining her.

My guides also shared that because of the trauma she had endured in her childhood as well as from other lifetimes, she was here to learn to manifest abundance through JOY, not the obligation and that she was here to release the trauma bond she had with her limited belief systems around money.

They shared with me that she had been feeling unhappy and panicky about her job for about two years, which she confirmed was the timeframe her beloved assistant had retired and she had begun trying to replace her. Something that had been incredibly frustrating from day one.

The universe had been sending her signs for some time (feeling unfulfilled, her phenomenal employee retiring, not being able to find a good replacement thus taking on more responsibility that she didn’t have the time or energy for, etc.) and the signs were now manifesting in an area that she was incredibly emotionally involved in to get her attention.

Mind blown.

The guides had me ask her to think about what brought her the most joy; what things in her life did she participate in that made her completely present in the moment vs. being distracted by work, “to-do” lists, etc.

She shared that for her, nothing fulfilled her like holding babies. But she could never consider doing that as a “career” because she didn’t want to go back to school (she has a master's) and she couldn’t see how it could provide an income.

I knew this about her as she is the state’s “go-to” when a baby has been given up for adoption but hasn’t yet been adopted, and she specializes in caring for and holding babies that have fetal alcohol syndrome, etc. She truly is the Baby Whisperer.

When Karli expressed that she knew there was no way to make an income from holding babies, I asked my guides for guidance.

I will just say that they literally laid out a step-by-step plan for her to create the life she wanted by holding babies including how to build her website, what to add for content, and who to market to.

We were both floored.

My guides also showed me that (although there is no “should or shouldn’t”) Karli would feel relief and less pressure by going with the smaller remodel as it would give her the mental space she needed to start releasing the pressure of staying in a career she was no longer passionate about, while starting the transition to the life she DREAMED about (and that she planned before she incarnated).

If she chose to go with the larger remodel she would feel even more stuck in a job that was unfulfilling and leaving her drained with little to no time for what she loved. This choice would make it very difficult for her to leave her current job.

The choice to complete the large remodel was based on her current trajectory with her current income, current career, current responsibilities, and the pressure she had been applying to herself because of her childhood trauma.

But because she had been feeling trapped in her current career and all the pressure that was connected to it, and had subconsciously been sending out an SOS to the universe, the universe was showing her that there was a “way out”- to a more joy-filled life where she was living her purpose.

So the universe had presented her with what appeared to be major challenges to cause her to pause and look at things differently.

As always, my guides also provided specific guidance around how she could start a manageable transition from her current career, to the one of her dreams, including tactical and tangible steps.


Let this example be an encouragement for you that if you have been feeling unfulfilled in your career or job for some time, it is not something that you will be able to ignore or “tough it out”. This is the universe sending you signs, signs that you set up for yourself! Signs that it is time for the next step in your evolution, and the next phase is BEAUTIFUL.

Surrender to the pull, surrender to the signs, surrender to the universe’s “drip campaign” to get your attention.

Ask “What is this feeling/situation/challenge REALLY telling me?”

Surrender to the beautiful life you designed for yourself, co-created by your soul and Higher Self with the Universe. If anyone was going to set you up for success in this lifetime, it is YOU. 


Life Challenges Align to Your Soul Contracts


Ask, then let go and let the Universe